Union of producers and exporters

Iranian medical equipment

Iranian Syndicate of Medical Equipment Exporter    


permanent exhibition of medical equipment of union members, located in the science and technology park of the campus, was opened

A new and modern exhibition of medical, dental, laboratory and consumer equipment by the Iranian medical equipment manufacturers and exporters union in February 1402 with the presence of a group of government officials including the minister of health, the minister of privacy, the vice president for science and technology and knowledge-based economy. The Board of Trustees of Foreign Exchange Savings, the Directorate of Campus Science and Technology Park, as well as manufacturers and news media were held at the Campus Science and Technology Park exhibition site.


The exhibition of knowledge-based equipment and products in Hosseinieh Beit Dererhi

An exhibition of knowledge-based production was held from the 6th to the 14th of Bahman in Hosseinieh, the Leader’s House, which was well received by the authorities, especially the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution. During the meeting of the head of Iran’s medical equipment manufacturers and exporters union with the leader of the revolution, the issues and problems of private companies and the unhealthy acquisition of state companies were also discussed.