Union of producers and exporters

Iranian medical equipment

Iranian Syndicate of Medical Equipment Exporter    

Nik Emotion of Technology Designers Company with “NikTED” brand was established in 1398 to work in the field of production of homecare equipment. The goals of our committed and expert staff are always to recognize the needs of customers and provide optimal services, based on technology with a design perspective.
Our mission has always been to produce qualified products and world standards, so we are proud to obtain licenses, including manufacturing licenses from IMED and also to receive the CE mark No. 2195.
It should be noted that in its first production experience, NikTED Company has been able to sign an agreement with a company with 25 years of successful experience in the field of production of HighTech medical equipment, and jointly produce the Ario product in cooperation with this well-known and knowledge-based company.