اتحادیه تولیدکنندگان و صادرکنندگان

Iranian Syndicate of Medical Equipment Exporter

welcome to the medical equipment exporters union

in 2009 the Exporters union of medical engineering products was created with the aim of enhancing the country’s position in the production and distribution of Iranian medical engineering

At Union, we strive to provide the best conditions and services for the growth, development and unity of our members.

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Number of member companies
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We are always trying to take a positive step in creating jobs, preserving human capital and reducing dependence on foreign industry by identifying elites and introducing them to the body of industry.

We in the union are proud to take a big step in supporting Iranian labor and capital by supporting national production through our members, including manufacturing, knowledge-based and technology-based companies, relying on the ability of local experts and producing medical equipment.

In the union, by holding various meetings and conferences and inviting senior officials in the field of export of medical engineering products, we try to improve the knowledge and experience of our members in the face of the challenges ahead.

One of the union’s most important tasks is to support member companies in resolving their challenges with the government bureaucracy so that their administrative processes can be resolved more quickly and easily.

The union communicates with global markets in various ways to be a bridge between Iranian companies and global markets, which is done by creating and holding permanent exhibitions, attending prestigious international events and consulting companies in the field of exports.

In the union, by setting up specialized working groups, we will try to solve the problems of the members in the fields of production, export, customs, law, and education.

Our goal is to provide opportunities for technology exchange and joint ventures in order to achieve the highest technical standards of production and world-class products by improving the quality of medical equipment to compete globally.