اتحادیه تولیدکنندگان و صادرکنندگان

Iranian Syndicate of Medical Equipment Exporter

Composite Gostar Sepahan, Knowledge-Based Company was established in 2012 with the mission of creating better living conditions for the disabled and amputated veterans. The production of quality products that can replace the lost natural human organ was the main concern of the company’s founders, and in order to achieve this important goal, a rough and difficult path was taken until today. the company officially produced the Iran’s first Carbon Prosthetic Foot after Receiving approval from the General Department of Medical Devices and the European Union. we are proud to have placed Iran in the top 5 countries with the technology to make this type of Prosthetic Foot. The Prosthetic Foot of Pars Flex series, having efficiency and durability equal to the samples produced by the pioneers of this product in the world, have caused the company to take a step towards increasing quality and variety with the prospect of conquering the markets of the region.